Sunday, November 16, 2008

Just a Few Pictures

I have to refrain myself from getting into bed and cuddling with her when she is sleeping...
She looks like she has a lot of hair in this picture.


Playing in the Leaves

We went to my Grandma Katie's today to rake her leaves and let Ryleigh play in them. It was fun...for a little bit! There was a TON of leaves!!!

More Leaves


Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy 2nd Birthday, Ryleigh Jo!!!


And more presents!!!

Feeding her new baby

and our new stroller for baby!

Elmo Cake!!!!!

Happy Birthday, Princess!!!!

Happy Halloween!!

Ryleigh loves to climb up your legs and do a know, when you feel like you are twisting their arms off!!!
Grandma Van Emmerik and "The Itsy Bitsy Spider"

Trick or Treat!!!!!

Ryleigh's First Pumpkin Carving

It was a little gross at first then she got used to it.

Carving Pumpkins

Aunt "Dora" aka Lora
Christopher and his pumpkin

Matthew and his pumpkin

Clint and Ryleigh's pumpkin, then mine and Amber's.

Cleaning out the pumpkin seeds...