Saturday, December 15, 2007


DeAnna, Ryleigh and I are in Chicago this weekend with Bryan and we thought we would go visit Santa! Ryleigh gave him a few dirty looks when she first met him! (I hope that won't put her on the naughty list this year!) So, I had to sit with Santa too!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

She loves it outside!

She loves to be outdoors! She really didn't care for her mittens, they didn't stay on very long!

Friday, December 7, 2007

More Dancin'

She loves this commercial (Mary J. Blige is singing). If you haven't already noticed, she actually moves to the beat!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Aunt Dee's Entertainment

The two of them have alot of fun through the day! Ryleigh thinks having this squishy pillow on her head is just the funniest thing! DeAnna says this is her blonde fro!

New Tooth

I have been telling DeAnna to try to get Ryleigh to take one nap a day instead of on this day she stretched her until 11:30 to take a nap and this is what happened...
The other picture is of her teeth. If you click on the picture, you will be able to see all of her teeth, including her new molar (on her bottom left).

Sunday, November 25, 2007

A New Dance

Ryleigh has a new dance she does can kinda see it in this video. She moves her shoulders up and down one at a time and her head side to side. It is so funny to watch when you get the full effect! I am not quite sure where she is learning all of these crazy moves...she must have great teachers!!!

Yehhhh! It's Time for Christmas Music

She loves this Christmas decoration! She is such a dancer!

Ryleigh playing

Sorry it is so dark...I need to replace a light bulb in the hallway! Mostly, I just wanted everyone to hear her talking. She says "doh" all of the time. Everything she points to or no matter what she is doing she says it. I haven't quite figured out the meaning yet but "doh" must be very important!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

This is her first time to feed herself with a spoon. Towards the end of the meal she started picking her food up with her fingers, putting it on her spoon and then putting the spoon in her mouth! Such a smart girl!!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

4-wheeler ride

Here we are on the 4-wheeler! She loved just putting around the yard! This one picture of her really shows her ornery side!

Day at the Park

Mom, Deanna and Ryleigh went to the park on Sunday! Ryleigh loves being outside and in her wagon. She went down the slides at the playground all by herself! If you can tell, she now has a total of 8 teeth. 4 on top and 4 on the bottom. By the way she is acting, I think she has some of her back molars coming in!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Ryleigh and Papa Dole

My Mom and Dad came down and surprised me and DeAnna this past Saturday. They are going to spend Thanksgiving down here with us! It was a great surprise! Ryleigh and Dad get along pretty well...usually babies take a while to warm up to him but she thinks he is pretty funny!

Ryleigh giving Daddy kisses

If you can't see, it is a picture of me and Bryan and she gives Bryan kisses! Big, wet slobbery kiss!!!

Where is Ryleigh?

Watch her little dance she does when she has it over her head!!! She loves to be the center of attention...where did she get that??

Friday, November 16, 2007


I do believe we have a singer and dancer on our hands!

Time for Bed

She knows what to do and where to go when it's time for bed!

Ryleigh's One Year Pictures

Here are Ryleigh's pics that we had taken for her one year b-day! They are scanned so the quality and the centering is not the best! They turned out pretty cute!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Getting better everyday!

She is a little less shaky everyday! I would say she walks 85% of the time and crawls the rest! Just a few days makes a world of difference.

Such a Big Girl!

Now that she is wearing shoes more often and can wear jeans, I think she looks like a little girl and not a like a baby anymore! It is so cute and heartbreking at the same time!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

She's Walking!!!

She is such a big girl! She started doing this a little last night before bed and then today she is a pro!.

Ryleigh Walking

She just started taking off...we're in trouble now!!!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Happy 1st Birthday Ryleigh

She had a wonderful birthday!

Happy Halloween

Carter and Avery were Superman and Ryleigh was a pink bunny. She loves getting into that candy bowl!

Ryleigh and her birthday cake

She was a little unsure about her cake at first but then she got a taste and couldn't stop. Her cake is in the shape of Zee (a character on Noggin). Grandma Leigh did most of it...Aunt Mamber and I helped. She had a great birthday! I will post more pics soon.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Ryleigh's new Kitchen

Here she is playing with her new kitchen from Grandma Leigh and Papa Dole! This is one present that will help me out...she is so entertained just moving things around.

Ryleigh the Rabbit

Here she is in her rabbit costume in her new wagon. Carter and Avery came over to show us their costumes.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Bubble Fro

We love bubble baths!!!! Here's what she will look like with hair!! Just Joking!

Ryleigh and Jessica in the Wagon

Here is Ryleigh and her buddy Jessica in the wagon! They could have road in the wagon for hours!!! This was at Jessica's 1 year birthday party. She really enjoyed her birthday cake! For those of you who don't know, Jessica is Judd's (Bryan's friend) little girl. Her and Ryleigh are about 2 weeks apart.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Ryleigh standing and walking

Well, the beginning of this video is really cute...Ryleigh is standing in the middle of the room all by herself, then she starts walking to me. Well, since I am recording her with one hand I can only catch her with the other. She takes a dive and lands right on my thumb and my nail scratched you can tell she starts crying!

Ryleigh taking a dive

Here is Ryleigh chewing on her pants. She is getting pretty good at walking towards us. On this one, she takes a dive right at the end.

Friday, October 19, 2007

New Addition to the Family

Here are Fez and Derby's new puppies! This is the second litter they have had together and the puppies are so cute. There are four boys and four girls. She had them yesterday and today just happens to be Fez's third birthday! For those of you who don't know, Fez is our dog and Derby (Fez's girlfriend) is our neighbor's. They are both weimaraners.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Ryleigh's first few steps

Here she is taking her first steps. Well, not actually...she has been doing this for a couple of days. Won't be long!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Big Mouth Ryleigh

I wonder where she gets such a big mouth from...???????? If you can't see her teeth all that well, you can click on the picture and it will bring it up really big and you can see them really well!

Ryleigh at the Zoo

Last Wednesday, Mom and I took Ryleigh to the Atlanta Zoo. Ryleigh liked the different scenery but wasn't all that amazed! The animals were pretty lazy and there wasn't much excitement. Mom and I enjoyed it, though. We were able to watch the baby panda nurse from her Mom. That was really neat! The baby panda, Mei Lan, is quite the big deal in Atlanta because she was actually born at the zoo 1 year ago!. It was a good day!

More Spaghetti Please!!!!

Ryleigh ate spaghetti for the first time this past week and absolutely loved it! She is always really messy but is especially messy with spaghetti! Mom and I also took her to the park and she loved the slides. She only liked crawling up them. She really didn't have much reaction going down them. Here is a picture of her and Mom in looking at the flowers. I also am putting pictures on here of her teeth. You can see all five of them really well! Soon there will be 6 or 7. Miss you all!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Mom and I bought Ryleigh's Halloween costume yesterday. Well, maybe! It was on a 24 mos. hanger, then, when we got it home, it was 6-12 mos. It is a little snug, so I don't know if we are going to have to take it back or not???? We are going to look this week for another one or a different size. We just wanted to take some pictures of how cute she looked in it! If you can't tell, she is a pink bunny! It is pretty soft and comfy looking compared to your usual costumes. In the other picture I just wanted to show you how she points at everything!

Ryleigh and her new car

Here is Ryleigh's new car that Grandma Leigh bought for her yesterday. She wasn't quite sure what she was supposed to do with it, at first. She started to figure it out!

Ryleigh and Grandma Leigh

Mom came to visit for this week. Her and Ryleigh haven't stopped palying since she got here. In this video Fez is barking at them and Mom is introducing Ryleigh to some of the bushes around the house.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


We had a family Sunday here at the house and celebrated the fact that we actually get to watch the Chief's game. We hardly ever get to see them. Bryan smoked a brisket and we just played all day! Ryleigh and I ended up getting pretty sleepy so we took a nap. (not the best picture of me, but then again, I haven't taken one of those in a long time!) Ryleigh and Fez (our dog) became better acquainted today. I didn't get any pictures of that, but she is starting to warm up to him. Well, we hope you enjoy the videos! Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Ryleigh and Mommy dancing

We love to dance!!! As you can see we were sporting the Chiefs gear today...too bad it didn't help them out any. Sorry about the singing, but she doesn't care... as long as there is some type of music.

Ryleigh dancing

You will have to excuse the bad singing in this video...I recommend turning the volume down. Anytime we whistle or sing she starts dancing. We are not quite sure whose moves she has yet????

Ryleigh and Daddy Walking

Just wanted to show you how well she is doing at walking. She is so much less shaky. She is getting won't be long!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

On the phone again!

She actually says hello this time!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Ryleigh's new hobby

She loves to pull her clothes out of her dresser! She is also learning how to throw fits!!! Such a big girl!!

Ryleigh talking on the phone

Here is a quick one of Ryleigh pretending she is on the phone. Usually (when the camera isn't rolling) she will say "eh-oh" when she puts "her phone" up to her ear. I wonder where she learned this from?????

Ryleigh, Avery & Carter

Ryeligh and I went to The Children's Museum in Atlanta yesterday with Tony, Alison, Avery & Carter. They had a Sesame Street section and we thought it would be fun for the kids. It was a little bit of a let down but Ryleigh didn't know the difference. In this picture she is sitting with the boys in Big Bird's nest. Avery and Carter absolutely love her!!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Daddy and Ryleigh napping

Last night Bryan was rocking Ryleigh because she was pretty cranky and I was doing some things around the house. I walked by her room to find them both knocked out in her rocker. Look at her holding on to his shirt with her little pinky! They are so cute!!!!

Mommy barking at Ryleigh

Ryleigh thought this was pretty funny! I had a hard time barking and holding the camera (sorry).

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Ryleigh walking with daddy

She is trying to walk but just doesn't always do it in a straight line. The movements are there but we just haven't gotten coordinated enough yet! She has been moving furniture around to make it easier for her to pull up on...yes, I did say SHE is moving furniture around. Our dining room chairs are all over the place! I will try to get a video of that soon! P.S. Those are not socks on Bryan's feet, those are actually his feet!

Ryleigh walking with daddy 2

She is trying to walk!!! It won't be long!!!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

In her crib

Here she is in her crib. This was a week or two ago. We have lowered it since then so no one send me any emails!!!!

Swimming w/ Daddy

Ryleigh, Bryan and I went swimming this past Sunday and had a blast! She has been making some more big steps this weekend. She pulls up all of the time now! Also, she is getting one tooth on the bottom next to the other two. On top of that, she is getting her top two teeth at the same time! 3 teeth all at once! She says Bye Bye, Hi, Momma & Dadda. Momma & Dadda- she still doesn't quite know the meaning yet. What a big girl!

Ryleigh saying Bye Bye

She can say bye bye now! She waves to herself and says it all the time. One day at day care she said bye bye to everyone that left that day!

Ryleigh playing

Here she is just being silly and playing with her friend Jessica.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Ryleigh crawling 2

Well, here are some videos! I think I have created an addiction for some people (Grandma's). I have been getting alot of requests! In the past week she has started moving around so well! She will follow me wherever I go in the house! I have to put her in jail(playpen) sometimes just to get a few things done around the house. We went to the doctor yesterday and she is 23 lbs. 12 oz.; 29.5 inches long and her head is 18 inches around(Thanks to the Hoy's). She is still at the top of the charts, if not off the charts, in everything! We are all doing great down here. Hope you like the videos!

Ryleigh eating

Ryleigh loves to eat her finger foods. She could pretty much care less about baby food anymore!

Ryleigh's big ride

Ryleigh loves to be in the laundry basket! Here, her Daddy is giving her a ride down the hallway. She smiles at the end but I stopped the camera too soon.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Ryleigh and her books

Here are a few more pics of Ryleigh! She loves her books! I am not sure why the last entry downloaded like it did but it is the same video on there twice. I hope you can see it!!!