Saturday, December 15, 2007


DeAnna, Ryleigh and I are in Chicago this weekend with Bryan and we thought we would go visit Santa! Ryleigh gave him a few dirty looks when she first met him! (I hope that won't put her on the naughty list this year!) So, I had to sit with Santa too!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

She loves it outside!

She loves to be outdoors! She really didn't care for her mittens, they didn't stay on very long!

Friday, December 7, 2007

More Dancin'

She loves this commercial (Mary J. Blige is singing). If you haven't already noticed, she actually moves to the beat!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Aunt Dee's Entertainment

The two of them have alot of fun through the day! Ryleigh thinks having this squishy pillow on her head is just the funniest thing! DeAnna says this is her blonde fro!

New Tooth

I have been telling DeAnna to try to get Ryleigh to take one nap a day instead of on this day she stretched her until 11:30 to take a nap and this is what happened...
The other picture is of her teeth. If you click on the picture, you will be able to see all of her teeth, including her new molar (on her bottom left).