Sunday, September 26, 2010

Liberty Fall Festival

Ryleigh and I going down the slide for the third time
My cousins, Brett and Kamryn

Ryleigh and Nana coming out of the "haunted house", Ryleigh's first one.

This pirate ship is always Ryleigh's favorite

Brett, Kamryn and Ryleigh going down the big slide

Jesse James Carnival

Ryleigh's first carnival ride...with a boy!

This was the first ride we went on because she remembered it from last year. "I want to ride the bears" was all I heard from the minute we got there.

She loved these plastic vampire teeth

Jesse James Parade

Kohen and Ryleigh
Anxiously waiting for the next float


Pretty Girl

Our little spot for the parade

T-bones Game on Labor Day

Me and Katie
Heather and Ryleigh

Mommy and Ryleigh

More from the T-bones Game

Bryan and Bret

Heather and I.
Ryleigh was the photographer of most of these pictures...not bad

Miss Ryleigh Jo

Adult Three Legged Race

Kristi and I did not do so well this year...
If you look up towards the finish line you can see a blue shirt, that is Bryan and Ryan. They got 3rd.

Labor Day Races

Ryleigh and Katelyn in the sack race
We are going to have to practice on the three legged race next year

Run Girls Run!!!!!

Playing in the Fountain

Reese, Ryleigh, Ryan and Bryan
Afterwards...they weren't supposed to get that wet!