Thursday, October 25, 2007

Bubble Fro

We love bubble baths!!!! Here's what she will look like with hair!! Just Joking!

Ryleigh and Jessica in the Wagon

Here is Ryleigh and her buddy Jessica in the wagon! They could have road in the wagon for hours!!! This was at Jessica's 1 year birthday party. She really enjoyed her birthday cake! For those of you who don't know, Jessica is Judd's (Bryan's friend) little girl. Her and Ryleigh are about 2 weeks apart.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Ryleigh standing and walking

Well, the beginning of this video is really cute...Ryleigh is standing in the middle of the room all by herself, then she starts walking to me. Well, since I am recording her with one hand I can only catch her with the other. She takes a dive and lands right on my thumb and my nail scratched you can tell she starts crying!

Ryleigh taking a dive

Here is Ryleigh chewing on her pants. She is getting pretty good at walking towards us. On this one, she takes a dive right at the end.

Friday, October 19, 2007

New Addition to the Family

Here are Fez and Derby's new puppies! This is the second litter they have had together and the puppies are so cute. There are four boys and four girls. She had them yesterday and today just happens to be Fez's third birthday! For those of you who don't know, Fez is our dog and Derby (Fez's girlfriend) is our neighbor's. They are both weimaraners.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Ryleigh's first few steps

Here she is taking her first steps. Well, not actually...she has been doing this for a couple of days. Won't be long!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Big Mouth Ryleigh

I wonder where she gets such a big mouth from...???????? If you can't see her teeth all that well, you can click on the picture and it will bring it up really big and you can see them really well!

Ryleigh at the Zoo

Last Wednesday, Mom and I took Ryleigh to the Atlanta Zoo. Ryleigh liked the different scenery but wasn't all that amazed! The animals were pretty lazy and there wasn't much excitement. Mom and I enjoyed it, though. We were able to watch the baby panda nurse from her Mom. That was really neat! The baby panda, Mei Lan, is quite the big deal in Atlanta because she was actually born at the zoo 1 year ago!. It was a good day!

More Spaghetti Please!!!!

Ryleigh ate spaghetti for the first time this past week and absolutely loved it! She is always really messy but is especially messy with spaghetti! Mom and I also took her to the park and she loved the slides. She only liked crawling up them. She really didn't have much reaction going down them. Here is a picture of her and Mom in looking at the flowers. I also am putting pictures on here of her teeth. You can see all five of them really well! Soon there will be 6 or 7. Miss you all!